Common Problems To Expect With Industrial pH Control And Measurement Systems

pH control systems are essential industrial pieces of equipment that help with monitoring hydrogen pH levels. Basically, they find great use in different industries and can aid in operations like food processing, water purification, hydroponics and waste control, etc. 

When handling pH controllers, there are common basics that you must understand to make the best use of them. For instance, you need a deep understanding of their specifications, discrete input/output options, features, performance and so on. Most importantly, you also need a grasp of the common problems and faults that come with their operation. 

Check out some of the commonly experienced problems in industrial pH controller systems. 

Proportional And Limit Control

A functional pH controller has to monitor the pH closely and activate the configured pumps in situations where the pH value reads beyond the required limits. Basically, the activation process is meant to notify the user that the kind of readings being taken are not accurate. 

Limit control is an important aspect of the pH controller system. It is designed to maintain the relay system in situations where the pH value of a chemical component goes out of expected limits. However, if it fails to do so, it should raise an immediate alarm of malfunction. Have a professional troubleshoot it to ensure that the relay is always on when taking the pH measurements. 

Interface Electrical System 

A PH control system is simply designed to take measurements of the pH value. Likewise, additional factors come to play when taking the readings in question. 

One of the most crucial characteristic factors of the system is the pH electrodes. To take the most accurate measurement, they have to be in the best shape possible. If there is a malfunction on the electrodes, it would have a direct impact on the readings you get as the pH value, which literally means that they are not accurate. 

Hunting Of The Relay System 

It is common and most often experienced by pH controllers in various industrial settings. In essence, it comes about when you adjust to a lower set point to come up with significantly lower pH values during the tests. When this happens, the mixing pump of the device would still continue to run hence causing a drop in all the pH values that would later be recorded.

You can imagine the dangers of having a faulty pH controller system, especially when running crucial chemical tests. Therefore, it is advisable to constantly check the equipment to ensure it is free from any faults before taking the tests. 
